We have had a great time in Buenos Aires so far. It has been 4 days which went by so fast feeling like a couple of hours. the trip was good, the 9.5 hour flight from mexico city to BsAs was too long though my back was hurting by the end of the trip.
we covered alot so far and extended our stay for 2 more days before heading to Patagonia. We did book out flight to El Calafate to see the glaciars, then we will take a 4 day car ride up the 40 route in Argentina to Bariloche.
Buenos Aires has been amazing so far. the first two days we stayed in Puerto Madero then got a hostel in San Telmo. We visited Centro, Palermo, and Recoleta. Tomorrow we will explore La Boca and try to find a Tango show in our area. We did go see a "football" match last night whitch was an amazing experience. I Sure did learn a whole lot of new curse words but wow, do the fans have an amazing energy.
So far Argentina feels so different than I thought it would. I would say less Latin and more... European? or just they are their own breed - Argentines
Mexico City Airport
walking around BsAs Centro for 6 hours
exploring BsAs Centro
Floralis Generica
Matthew plugging away at the Hostel
cute pink diary Matthew.